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We must balance economic growth with environmental preservation.


As COVID-19 has shown, Hawai’i’s wealth comes not just from financial management, but careful stewardship of our natural resources. New economic development must be managed with care for future generations, who will inherit the results of today's public policy decisions. 

As your representative, I have made combating climate change a top priority. I have sponsored legislation to make renewable energy affordable to all and ensure that our state achieves its goal of becoming 100 percent clean energy dependent by the year 2045, while growing green jobs that pay a living wage.


I will continue to work to lower your energy bills by diversifying Hawai'i's energy portfolio and ensuring that savings obtained from renewable energy investments are passed on to consumers. I will also champion measures to expand access to electric vehicles, modernize our state's power grid, and protect our islands from pesticide abuse and corporate greed. 


Finally, we must give our children the chance to practice the value of aloha 'āina, which means "love of the land." That is why I have strived to create educational opportunities for our keiki to learn about the cultural importance of sustainability by grounding public education in place-based knowledge. 

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